All great smells […]
have a reminiscent element, but with this it is reminiscent of a future. There is a pleasurable mustiness here, that’s
sure, but it isn’t of a past time: it’s
of a future time, long waiting, and now beginning to unfold suddenly.
-R. A. Lafferty, ‘World Abounding’ (1971)
There is indeed a whiff of something approaching in the
air. Lafferty’s breakthrough into a
larger audience has been ‘long waiting’ and seems as if indeed it may be about
to ‘unfold suddenly’ in this the centenary year of his birth. Neil Gaiman has
been talking about him a lot in podcasts recently, so much so that Lafferty’s
name made it into a Wall Street Journal
blog alongside Flann O’Brien. Just scant
weeks after this brief article appeared, another more lengthy news piece was
featured in The Guardian this past
week devoted exclusively to Lafferty, citing again Neil Gaiman and also ‘our
own’ (as I like to think of him) Lafferty scholar, Andrew Ferguson. This Guardian article is currently being
repeatedly tweeted on Twitter and no doubt other social media networks. The article comes out in conjunction with the
Lafferty panel (hosted by Ferguson and featuring Michael Swanwick) that was held last
week at the London WorldCon.
In my own Lafferty news, I
recently started an RALaffertyTweets
account on Twitter that has garnered 80 followers in just a few weeks (seems a
lot for such an obscure writer). I
started it because I have been officially approved to write my dissertation
this year on Lafferty (more on that in the next blog post), but it has come in
handy as this article on Lafferty has broken.
All in all, it seems like
exciting and auspicious times for all things Lafferty. The following from Lafferty’s story ‘The
Wooly World of Barnaby Sheen’ (1973) comes to mind:
“Get ready for
it, kids, don’t miss it!” Mary Mondo chirped so clearly as to be heard by every
ear in the room. “This is going to be good.”
But, of course, Mary Mondo is a ghost and most of the time
the people around her only slightly hear her, if at all. One can’t help but feel that this potential
breakthrough for Lafferty’s work is profoundly promising, but also
precarious. This moment of wider
recognition for Lafferty feels a bit like the uncertain cliff-hanger endings to
so many of his tales (e.g. ‘Frog On the Mountain’, ‘The Configuration of the
North Shore’, Annals of Klepsis, Serpent’s Egg). But I’ll gladly take the expectant stance of
the ending of his seminal 1968 novel Past
it? Then it happened?
Be quiet. We
Well, does it
happen? Does the reaction become the birthing? What does it look like?
Will we see it
now, in face and rump, the new-born world?
Be quiet. We hope.

(artwork for Past Master by Leo and Diane Dillon)
Alleluia !
(Can I translate those very good news for my www site ?)
Thanx a lot. Let's Eat Proteins and Pray !
Of, course, Jean-Paul! Translate away! Do let us know of any Lafferty developments in your neck of the woods too. Thanks!
Protein-ing and Praying,
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