Friday, February 17, 2012

'A world that believes in open things is at least fertile...'

'What things a man or a world believes or disbelieves will permeate every corner and shadow and detail of life and style, will give a shape to every person and personifact and plant of that world.  They will form or they will disorder, they will open or close.  A world that believes in open things is at least fertile to every sort of adventure or disaster.  A world that believes in a closed way will shrivel and raven and sputter out in frosty cruelty.'

                                                                                                   Audifax O'Hanlon

(R. A. Lafferty, 'Ishmael Into the Barrens', originally published in Four Futures, 1971)

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'It was all strong talk with the horns and hooves still on it.'
(R. A. Lafferty, The Devil is Dead)